Just like my food, I like to know where my furnishings come from as well! There's a different kind of connection; a different feeling you get when there's a personal connection that comes along with it.
I'm talking about something deeper than just knowing a product is American made. Don't get me wrong, American made furnishings are my favorite! But I like to go farther than that...It's creating a personal connection with the company I purchase from. It's when you dial the number and actually get to speak with the owner! It's where you'll find that the custom work and craftsmanship is of much better quality.
One such company whom I adore is J. Redmond Design Furnishings. The products I order from them are each beautifully handcrafted with an incredible attention to detail. Custom work at just a little more than the mass produced.
Transitional Living Room by High Point Furniture & Accessories j.redmond designs
Working closely with our business partners has other benefits too.
* The quality of work and craftsmanship is much better.
* You can create a custom look that reflects only your style, not that of everyone else ordering from those popular catalogs!
* If it's an artist you are working with, you walk away with a one-of-a-kind piece!
While you may end up paying slightly more, the reward is worth the money!
There are too many business partners whom I adore working with, so we decided we would feature one or two of them every so often.
In addition to J. Redmond Designs, I also admire the works of Tracy Glover. Her lighting and hardware are interchangeable so that you can literally design your own unique piece. And she works with her clients to create something special, just for their own home.
So, the next time you are about to buy something for your home, ask yourself, "How am I connected to this? Or am I connected to it at all?". Why would you want something in your life that doesn't have meaning, doesn't speak to you and reflect on who you are?
Stay tuned for lots of other featured business whom I feel have a high level of customer service and go way out of their way to make their clients feel like royalty and to ensure that what their clients purchase is special to them!
Be well,